23 January
Does the unholy trinity mitigate collaborators inside the ANC leadership?
Businesses (their media houses) engaged in fearmongering and managed agents of influence within the ANC leadership after the unbanning in 1990. Apartheid state intelligence researchers profiled prospectives long before deployment within the ANC, mostly without their knowledge. Some play the role of court jesters, while others openly create inequalities before the law, contributing to lawlessness.
There is no difference between the ANC of Cyril Ramaphosa (CR) and Jacob Zuma’s ANC; they are all subjects of the Trinity (philanthropists, state securitisation apparati and collaborators). This agenda (playing good cop versus bad cop) from the apartheid private sector peaked when businesses (using the media) smeared Zuma to the extent that the ANC was willing to appoint CR, the champion of business and a severely compromised candidate. Businesses (who are responsible for the economic collapse) are dictating the agenda at the GNU (CR attending the 2025 WEF gathering, discrediting themselves even further). The ANC leadership's weakness is illustrated by accepting the one-world economic agenda, which supported the fake COVID-19 lockdown agenda in 2020 and the government of National Unity (GNU) after the 2024 elections.
The radical economic transformation (RET) constituency was managed out of the ANC. These ex-ANC members formed many splinter groups known as the progressive forces (PF). Why is the PF not focusing on corporate social investment (CSI) failures? Who addresses the shortcomings of CSI strategies established by the Trinity before 1990?
In addition, former President Zuma and Malema (president of the EFF) effectively manipulated the focus away from the issues surrounding the elections. Indications based on patterns suggest that voting manipulations did happen, not a lot, with less than two percent (complicated to prove) spread over various political parties that then became GNU. The focus of the PF seems to be deliberately discrediting the election fraud agenda. The state intelligence securitisation apparati (SISA) appears to mitigate this confusion within the PF.
The private sector knows why the government is inefficient. They crafted the narrative, which is regularly framed in the media. Businesses against crime, for example, deliberately misdirect their assessments, which seem to focus on the government’s inefficiency narrative. Why don’t companies use their collaborators to effect solutions? Their failure to mitigate deployments and increase lawlessness is the hidden agenda, conspiring with the one-world economic agenda prescribed by the WEF. The unholy trinity (see the definition below) gaslights the ANC's incompetence in using their UDF and LGBTQ networks. At the same time, they promote business ethics (BE), an oxymoron.
ANC strategists use the WEF platform to provide China with infrastructure opportunities at Davos to counter the unholy trinity.
New stricter guidelines seem to be crafted for career criminals working with SISA (who must be independently scrutinised). It seems that career criminals who are assassinated have a common denominator.
The unholy trinity in South Africa is defined as:
Treason definition: https://www.dictionary.com/browse/treason
Economic sabotage: Economic sabotage 'taking the country back' – SOC chief executives | SAnews
Understanding a criminal enterprise: What is a criminal enterprise? - Military Modelling
21 January
Was the UDF an apartheid securitisation operation?
Businesses (the Rupert, Oppenheimer, and Menell families) funded the Urban Foundation (UF), established in 1977 and terminated in 1993. They worked extremely closely with state intelligence. Businesses would not have been able to abolish apartheid and create the transition without the help of state intelligence securitisation apparati (SISA). UF was replicated as the Centre for Development and Enterprise (CDE).
The relationship between the private sector and the SISA was never pursued because they needed to protect the intelligence assets deployed and the organised crime networks that assisted with sanction busting. This protection stimulates the perception of inequality before the law. Businesses never applied for amnesty for their role as financiers of apartheid. Businesses funded the political and economic elite within liberation movements. Currently, businesses are the architects mitigating the influence of liberation movements. Ex-apartheid spies deployed in strategic positions assist businesses.
It is suspected that the apartheid SISA established the UDF in 1983 to create a new leadership corps together with businesses that could take over the ANC from within. The UDF unbundled in 1992 and amalgamated fully into the ANC. Many UDF deployments became agents of influence in the ANC and represented the interest of businesses, acting as a buffer for corporations against the economically marginalised. It is not difficult to identify these collaborators. What role did they play in the target assessments for the hit squads? The hit squads did not wake up one morning and decide they were going to kill someone.
Dr Neil Barnard, former head of the National Intelligence Service (NIS) and architect of apartheid’s collapse, passed away on the 13th of January. Dr. Barnard, PhD, examined how a political void will be filled. His death gives rise again to identifying the lies crafted around the unbundling of apartheid. According to the obituary report by Jan-Jan Joubert for the family of Dr Barnard, PW Botha was informed in 1987, and they worked together in secret (it is a lie that PW Botha worked with Dr Neil Barnard). PW Botha never trusted Dr Barnard. Dr Barnard was appointed to fail by President Botha. The National Intelligence Service (NIS) was created in 1980 (what was their ten-year plan?). The objective was always to collapse apartheid, which happened in 1990. Who from the outside assisted Dr Barnard? The relationship between business and NIS was deeply engrained in the transition process. Negotiating with the ANC did not start in 1987; NIS (Dr Barnard) first contacted the ANC in 1983, and the process is well documented (go to the menu of this website and click on the “ANC secret meetings …” page). This history and truth are critical in understanding the threats that South Africa currently faces from the unholy trinity.
FW De Klerk branded the private sector “the third force” (see the screenshot below), which is involved in undermining South Africa's constitution.
19 January
The state can become solvent overnight (Part Two)
Businesses have crafted the agenda for the one-world order since their plan to unban the ANC (liberation movements) in the 1970s (there is no appetite to deviate from the course set with the WEF). Philanthropists have allowed the deployment of ANC career criminals in government and their boardrooms after the unbanning of liberation movements in 1990. The protagonists of the One World Economic reset agenda elucidated their pursuit of self-interest through their fake corporate social investment (CSI) strategy sold as wealth creation (BBBEE). Business Ethics (BE) is the oxymoron of the private sector and government. Businesses think it is okay to allow selective application of the law, profit from victims of crime, and contribute to an environment conducive to the state of lawlessness, exploiting society with fearmongering fake sustainability agendas and lawlessness.
The COVID-19 lockdown and vaccination agenda illustrated the repulsive nature of BE sold by the private sector and its co-conspirators in government, who introduced the depopulation (mass murder) objective. COVID-19 resulted in extremely high levels of unemployment and the closure of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). No business representation body in the private sector or government official condemned the above. Not one political party took steps to address the selective application of the law and condemned the one-world economic reset agenda. Controlled economic and political destruction impacted those outside the inner one-world economic circle. It is a non-Christian agenda.
In South Africa, the unholy trinity created a “controlled” destruction (political and financial) with the removal of Radical Economic Transformation (RET) in the ANC to discredit liberation credentials and establish Progressive Forces (PF) using COVID-19 as a distraction. It is suspected that state intelligence apparati mitigate the PF, trying to collapse the left. It should be illegal for the state to interfere in politics.
Another advantage of removing RET was the polarisation created within the liberation support base. The selective application of the law increased the perception of inequality, contributing to lawlessness—see the screenshot below. The surveillance state is constructed around lawlessness. Cashless, high-speed fibre, cameras, social credit scores, universal basic income, and open borders are all part of the new world economic order agenda. CSI strategies and lawlessness (journalists frame inequality before the law) are key to supporting the undemocratic economic reset. Businesses signed billions of Rands worth of contracts to install cameras with their government proteges to fight crime, but everyone knows cameras do not reduce crime.
Yet, no one has been arrested for corruption or dereliction of duty. Lawlessness is the catalyst for the one-world economic order, and the private sector is its biggest beneficiary. The state can escape bankruptcy by targeting companies involved with racketeering and instigating lawlessness.
See the screenshots below to comprehend the framing agenda.
17 January
The state can become solvent overnight (Part One)
The Western capitalist system collapses due to failed corporate social investment (CSI) strategies. The private sector in South Africa provides the best example of failed social responsibility strategies. From constructing the corporate social investments (CSI) agenda during negotiations in the 1980s to the current economic situation, philanthropists have made South Africa one of the most dangerous countries, one of the most corrupt governments, and dead last on the Gini Coefficient.
The culprits who crafted this social destruction were identified as the unholy trinity (see the definition below). The impact of the unholy trinity on governance, selective application of the law, and framing of agendas in the media has demolished employment, escalated corruption in the state, and increased crime activities associated with additional funding for international terrorist groups, contributing to increased levels of terrorist threats worldwide. These companies are now privatising government- see the attachments.
Israel announced the creation of its own task team in South Africa; see the screenshot below. South African Jews created their own threat by participating in apartheid structures created to infiltrate terrorist networks using crime (reactivated as an additional source of intelligence for the 2010 Soccer World Cup in South Africa and never closed down), as their proxies are directly involved in these crime activities. This relationship escalates the danger internationally, working with the same sanction-busting criminal networks used by the apartheid government.
The criminal enterprise participants, the unholy trinity, engineered the collapse of small and medium-sized businesses (SMEs), regarded as the foundation for job creation. The people involved with criminal enterprises through the unholy trinity are introducing the surveillance state (their companies are engaged in the rollout of high-speed fibre and installing cameras) in order to determine social credit scores that will determine if people receive their universal basic income (UBI) grant. Each transgression will be linked to a fine, which will be deducted from the UBI. The software for the cameras is tested in China.
Another example of a criminal enterprise operating within businesses in South Africa declining the Rand in cash transactions, a legal and acceptable payment method. Businesses conspire with foreign individuals (WEF) to transform the economy into a cashless system; this is a crime against society. The state must act against these CEOs. Who in the ANC government supports these businesses? The South African government (ANC and GNU) are elected to protect the citizens of South Africa. Woolworths, Spar, Mugg and Bean, Virgin Active, and Shoprite are among the companies participating in the transition to a cashless society that does not accept the Rand in cash. Even banks are limiting the availability of cash. This cannot be legal! The GNU is involved in deliberate dereliction of duties! Businesses are undermining the Rand; they are engaged in unconstitutional behaviour!
This deliberate undermining of the Constitution cannot be tolerated. These companies should be charged criminally and receive hefty fines, making governments solvent overnight using the law. This will contribute to the perception of equality before the law, which is necessary to address lawlessness.
15 January
Organised crime (OC) has a reciprocal relationship with state anti-terrorism strategies and the private sector.
In South Africa, the ANC used career criminals within OC networks to assist with the financing of operations before its unbanning in 1990. Transnational Organised Crime (TOC) networks have identified crime activities used by terrorist groups for additional funding as an opportunity to expand their illegal operations while receiving protection from state securitisation structures.
Apartheid State Intelligence Securitisation Apparati (SISA) coerced these criminals within TOC to provide intelligence on supposedly terrorist threats in Africa. Government securitisation structures are supposed only to fight imminent terrorist threats that endanger citizens' lives, and there are no other ways of dealing with the impending danger.
South Africa was overrun by framing agendas from the pre-1990 era, which created the transition in South Africa. SISA uses journalists to frame agendas using “press freedom”. These inter-relationships are extremely vulnerable to exploitation by the “unholy trinity” in South Africa. It is responsible for lawlessness and driving the one-world economic order using proxies they created within the deployed economic and political elites under the umbrella of BBBEE.
There has always been a reciprocal relationship between terrorists (liberation movements) and OC. The ANC (a liberation movement) became the guardians of TOC in this complex relationship.
The Securitisation Theory is not well-researched in South Africa by academia because philanthropists profit from the relationships. Reckless SISA practices create lawlessness, which is the catalyst for introducing the surveillance state and everything that goes with it (highspeed fibre, universal basic income grant, privatisation, etc.).
The economies involved with implementing the one-world economic order agenda are all imploding. It's a total collapse of neoliberalism and the welfare state. They blame liberation movements and progressive forces for the financial destruction in South Africa. Journalists won't speak negatively about the owners and shareholders. Journalists made themselves guilty of some of the worst atrocities in modern history. The most significant examples of framing agendas allowing the deliberate mass murder of people “forcing” the COVID-19 vaccination and lockdown agenda. Journalists who participated in this deliberate deception campaign can never be taken seriously.
The media is regarded as the fulcrum of democracy and, for a long time, had no competition or allowed readers to double-check the facts. The information age changed the traditional role of media houses; their readers have become highly informed and knowledgeable. Freedom of speech will become increasingly under attack; will journalists stand up to defend the truth?
See the screenshots below.