Lawlessness Solutions South Africa (LSSA)

About LSSA

LSSA identified lawlessness as a strategy for political and economic elite to attain WEF/UN 2030 goals. We are to date the only company globally to identify securitization as a variable contributing to lawlessness. We have more than twenty-five years of experience influencing rogue securitization structures without compromising the integrity of role players.


Making citizens aware of the unethical behavior of certain businesses using lawlessness as a strategy. Introduce law-and-order strategies using IDPs as vehicles at a local government level.


Develop solutions for lawlessness using our unique skills in risk mitigation, pertaining to the historical role played by securitization apparati within the political and economic environment.


Our Projects

All companies participating with CSI and ESG must address lawlessness as their corporate social responsibility and business ethical contribution. Political and economic stability in South Africa depends on businesses illustrating their commitment. We understand the historic inhibiting effect of securitization on businesses and manage it accordingly.



The books authored and self-published by the owner of LSSA, Jan Pretorius, focus on the interrelationships between state intelligence securitization apparati (SISA), the unholy trinity (organized crime/terrorism/corruption), politics, and businesses (conglomerates/media). The in-depth research contributed to developing a database on organized crime and understanding the interrelationships with the government.

Our Model

LSSA develops solutions for lawlessness in local governments as a social responsibility strategy for companies. We assist businesses in navigating variables threatening business ethics. We use a holistic approach incorporating various theories and practical, tested solutions adapted to the South African situation to address inequality. 

The model initiates administrative justice strategies as measurable for the IDPs of municipalities that add to a stable political and economic environment. Our framework introduces a social responsibility (tax-deductible) agenda, establishing "pockets of excellence" in local governments. Thus, businesses oversee their own ethical safety and service delivery solutions, holding their municipality to account. 

The owner of LSSA interviewed by BizNews


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