
Spies, lies, ghosts, and career criminals

This website aims to inform all decision-makers on the variables influencing political and economic outcomes in South Africa. The inter-relationships between securitization apparati and OC networks are deeply embedded in South African history. State securitization operations pre-1990 in South Africa coopted mafia (Indian, Greek, Portuguese, Jewish, and Italian) networks to spy on the ANC. None of these mafia structures, briefed into ANC structures by apartheid state intelligence securitization apparati (SISA), were terminated after the first democratic elections in 1994.

Rogue apartheid strategically deployed securitization operatives are the gatekeepers working closely with “businesses” CSI operations from the 1980s. Several of these businesses formed the core, continuing with the CSI agenda after the unbanning of liberation movements in 1990. In addition, strategists from South Africa (pre-1990 era) convinced the WEF to introduce CSI to align with other 2030 new economic order goals.

As a result of the COVID-19 lockdown in 2020, specific crime activities associated with additional funding for terrorist organizations have risen significantly in South Africa and Africa. Economic exclusion has been identified as one of the root causes for the creation of liberation movements and modern terrorism. Terrorist groups from both liberation movements and Islamic fundamentalist groups share in well-established specific crime activities established as anti-colonialism illicit economies in Africa.

Media freedom is used by securitization apparai to frame agendas for the economic elite. BUSA, B4SA, and BLSA (the primary drivers of COVID-19) were used to advance the CSI agenda championed by WEFagenda. Agents of influence use lawlessness as the catalyst to introduce CSI and Sustainability agendas in South Africa. After CSI was exposed as a monumental disaster in 2023, most businesses changed

their agenda to sustainability and ESG compliance (coincidentally a more significant contributor to lawlessness),

 together with UN climate change objectives.

COP 28 will entrench the 2030 WEF/UN intentions using the newly signed cooperation agreement between the two to reduce earth warming by 1.5 degrees. The COP 28 supposedly driving climate change agenda list includes “gender”!

Lawlessness is not on anybody's list despite being identified as a problem by ISS in 2012. The question should be, where are businesses? Analyzing King IV's 16 goals using securitization, framing, and equality before the law theories, it becomes apparent why lawlessness is not mitigated. It seems that businesses are framing lawlessness as a  business opportunity. 

Please take a look at the website jpmanagementconsultants.com for solutions. It is the only company in South Africa to address lawlessness by incorporating these historical variables.

One cannot help thinking of Macbeth:

'Double, double toil and trouble, fire burn, and cauldron bubble'

Published by Jan Pretorius


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