
Spies, lies, ghosts, and career criminals

This website aims to inform all decision-makers on the variables influencing geopolitical outcomes in South Africa. The interrelationships between philanthropy, state intelligence securitisation apparati (SISA), and collaborators within liberation movements (many career criminal networks who assisted with additional funding the struggle) became known as the Trinity. The trinity created the new South Africa.

The Trinity became known as the Unholy Trinity in South Africa when it started to undermine the Constitution of South Africa, working with the World Economic Forum and other groups to introduce the one-world economic agenda.

The unholy trinity in South Africa is defined as:

  • rogue philanthropists (also referred to as White Minority Capital) advancing the undemocratic agendas of the one-world economic order,
  • rogue ex-state intelligence securitisation apparati (SISA) working with career criminals framing agendas to legitimise their illegal activities (to justify the war on terror) and
  • ex-apartheid spies (mostly false-flag) deployed as political/economic elites acting as agents of influence for the private sector inside liberation movements (ANC).

Rogue apartheid securitisation operatives became the gatekeepers for rogue philanthropists using corporate social investment (CSI) strategies to privatise state-owned enterprises and develop new income streams from the government. Several of these businesses formed the core drivers of the economic reset agenda, continuing with the CSI agenda after the unbanning of liberation movements in 1990.

Lawlessness is the catalyst around the agenda to introduce the surveillance state. Not one integrated development plan (IDP) in South Africa incorporates a strategy to address lawlessness, despite being identified as a problem by ISS in 2012. Analysing King IV's 16 goals using securitisation, framing, and equality before the law theories reveal why lawlessness is not mitigated. It seems that companies are deliberately allowing the causes to be introduced.

Published by Jan Pretorius


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